
Healthy Food Choices During Pregnancy


Healthy Food Choices During Pregnancy

  1. Protein – protein is needed to build tissues, so is essential to healthy foetal growth. Good sources include meat, fish, dairy and some vegetable sources including beans and lentils
  2. Starchy carbohydrates – carbohydrate is essential for energy, but too much refined carbohydrate such as sugary snacks and white bread can make us feel tired. Include good quality carbohydrate at each meal
  3. Green vegetables – vegetables such as spinach and broccoli is packed full of folic acid which helps to ensure healthy development of the foetal spinal cord. Aim for organic sources where possible to minimise the amount of chemicals you ingest
  4. Tomatoes – they contain lots of important vitamins, including vitamin C which is needed to help absorb iron. Again, go organic where possible
  5. Dairy – pasteurised dairy and hard cheese contains lots of calcium and vitamin D which are essential for healthy bones and teeth. Make sure you avoid any soft or blue cheese, along with un-pasteurised dairy as they carry the risk of bacterial contamination which can be harmfulpregnancy-diet

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